AI - curse or blessing for cybersecurity

Artificial intelligence (AI) can support cyberattacks in a variety of ways, including automated attacks, identifying and exploiting vulnerabilities, creating personalized phishing and social engineering messages, identifying vulnerabilities, and developing exploits. AI can also help develop adaptive malware and orchestrate denial-of-service botnets.

This wide range of applicability and support highlights a clear trend in cybersecurity proof-of-concept analyses.

In the field of artificial intelligence, a distinction is made between different areas and categories.

Artificial intelligence is basically about computer-based technologies that are similar to human abilities in being able to independently recognize patterns, make decisions and rationalize them.

According to ISO/SAE 21434, the feasibility of an attack describes the ease with which a set of attack actions can be successfully carried out. For example, an attack potential-based approach takes into account factors such as


  • time required,
  • competence of the attacker,
  • knowledge of the target, opportunity and
  • equipment required


Artificial intelligence, such as chatbots, can make it easier to gain knowledge about the target of an attack and drastically reduce the attacker's necessary skills, thus also reducing the time needed for attacks.

Many chatbots can also write powerful malware on their own or support phishing attacks with credible stories and texts, including deep fakes.

But wait! Cybersecurity can also make great progress with the help of AI. Whether through the automation of threat detection and vulnerability analysis or the analysis and prediction of attack patterns. Here too, the possibilities are endless.

Benefits of AI for CybersecurityDisadvantages of AI for cybersecurity
Automating threat detectionAutomation of attacks
Automated vulnerability analysisAutomated vulnerability analysis
Analysis and prediction of attack patternsSupporting phishing and social engineering attacks
Generating incident response playbooksDevelopment of exploits and malware
Improving IDS and IPSOrchestration of DoS attacks by botnets

Melster Consulting GmbH: Your partner for automotive cybersecurity

At Melster Consulting GmbH, we understand the increasing importance of cybersecurity in the automotive industry. Our team of experts offers comprehensive consulting services to ensure your vehicle development is safety compliant. From analyzing security risks to implementing effective security measures, we are your reliable partner.

Find out more about how Melster Consulting GmbH can help you meet the challenges of automotive cybersecurity. Together, we are shaping a future in which connected vehicles are safe and secure on the roads.